I am an Egyptian that finds new ways to take risks. I often feel stressed with school and grades. You may find unusual things written on this webpage, but I guarantee you, it will be something intriguing. Actually it will be intriguing for me, and hopefully for you too. I got to admit though, food is very crucial to a person’s survival…especially GOOD food! My motto is “Just do it, and never give up. Even if you know you are going to fail, its not about the treasure at the end, but the journey it takes to get to the treasure.”


          I created this website to send an important message to everyone in doubt, hence the title “When In Doubt.” I aim to inspire others who are lost or lonely, through my work. Even though, my writing may be written about what seems like random topics, I intend to speak to the world about matters that upset, confuse, excite or even scare me. I like to connect and relate with people that have the same perspective as me, and discover why others have a different standpoint. When in doubt, I ask a reliable source to guide and help me look for the answers I seek. I hope to be this reliable source for many, someday.



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